Have you ever felt pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse? It's much more common than you may think and it is caused by insufficient lubrication. The solution, however, couldn't be simpler. Pjur Woman silicone lube has been formulated by the industry's leading company for the specific needs of female skin.
The company, whose headquarters are in Luxembourg, have been producing sexual and physical well-being products for 20 years. All of them are manufactured in Germany and they are sold in more than 70 countries on five different continents.
Simply apply as much lube as you need to the desired area. Remember that since it's a silicone lubricant, you require a smaller amount. Suitable for daily use and perfectly compatible with latex condoms — it has no limitations whatsoever! Want some advice? Don't just apply it; use the opportunity to massage it in to your partner's intimate area during foreplay. Pjur Woman lubricant will wash off easily with a little water.
Don't let lack of lubrication spoil any encounter. Pjur makes it easy for you — just a few drops and you're good to go. Penetration will be easier and the sensations more intense. Don't give it another thought!
Ref.: 1700265
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