Toko is synonymous with moisture, quality, lightness, and pleasure. Vaginal dryness and lack of natural lubrication have many causes, but nowadays, there's no need to continue suffering from their effects or consequences. So say goodbye forever to painful and uncomfortable relationships. Shunga, the prestigious Canadian brand of intimate cosmetics inspired by ancient Japanese sexual prints, has created a wide range of lubricants for all tastes and needs. Take a look at this selection and find yours; they are all here.
Toko Aroma, a line consisting of ten lubricants with ten different flavors, created to emulate natural lubrication. Gluten-free, sugar-free, and vegan, the best part is that they are the only flavored lubricants on the market that don't leave a bad taste in the mouth when ingested. Eco-friendly Toko green tea, Organic Toko (made with pure vegetable glycerin and natural derivatives of corn), Water-based Toko and Silicone-based Toko. Sex will never be the same again. Enjoy.
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