Moisture is your vibrator's best friend, the question is, is natural lubrication enough? Not always. No matter how much you desire it or how aroused you are, the body doesn't always respond in the same way. However, the solution couldn't be simpler. Aphrodisiacs, enriched with natural ingredients, vegan, flavored, water-based or silicone-based, with a warming effect - lubricant is the inseparable companion of good sex. Here are the best lubricants for your vibrator. Renowned brands such as Pjur, Shunga, or Bioglide have developed specific lotions to spice up your games and avoid discomfort and pain.
If you're concerned about the integrity of your vibrator or whether the chosen lubricant may damage it, this is your section. With the selection we've prepared for you, the experience will be sublime. These gels respect both the skin of your most intimate areas and the most delicate materials.
Apply it with your fingertips in a gentle massage to raise the temperature, and coat the toy before inserting it into the body. Start with a small amount; you can always repeat, and believe us, you will. Enjoy it!
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