Daring, exquisite and delicate — that's Nina Kikí. It's a brand created by Dreamlove that supplies moderately-priced sexual well-being and intimate hygiene products.
Daring, exquisite and delicate — that'sNina Kikí It's a brand created by Dreamlove that supplies moderately-priced sexual well-being and intimate hygiene products. Those with a sweet tooth are in luck because among its lubricants, you'll find flavours as bold and unusual as pina colada, marshmallows, bubblegum, cupcake or cannabis. Slippery, vegan, paraben-free, sugar-free and gluten-free gels that are made from all-natural, vegan products for intense, harmless, and gentle pleasure.
Among its intimate hygiene products is the menstrual cup sterilizer. This is an item that's lauded by users for its simplicity, comfort and effectiveness. It's a compact and foldable medical silicone sterilizer cup that you can take with you anywhere. To disinfect the your menstrual cup, simply fill the sterilizer with water, introduce your cup, cover it and boil it in the microwave for three minutes.
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