Oral pleasure is an art — a painter has light, a writer has words and you have this lip gloss created by the gods of sex to drive your lover crazy with pleasure. Would you like to be an artist? We’re going to tell you how, but shhhh... it's a secret!
Oral pleasure is an art — a painter has light, a writer has words and this lip gloss has been created by the gods of sex to maximise the pleasure. Would you like to be an artist? We’re going to tell you how, but shhhh... it's a secret!
EroticFeel brings you this lip gloss from Shunga that'll turn you into an oral sex sensation. The Canadian brand is recognised by its Japanese aesthetic and is inspired by the (very explicit) sexual prints that were produced in Japan in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. This philosophy of unbridled eroticism and their view of sex as an integral part of life exudes from all of their products. To discover it, you just have to browse their extensive catalogue — available in our online sex shop. They have oils, creams, gels, bath salts and a lip gloss that will restore your faith in the magic of sex.
Shunga's Divine Oral Pleasure, with its warming/cooling and tingling effect is perfect to lick off whatever takes your fancy. It increases sensitivity in the genitals and provokes incredible orgasms. Made with organic ingredients, it's water soluble, 100% vegan and gluten, paraben and sugar free.
In case you were wondering, which is always a good thing — Shunga lip gloss is fully compatible with latex condoms and all kinds of sex toys.
We don't know if colour is as important as taste in this case. Shunga lip gloss accentuates the natural tone of the lips and makes them more slippery and appetizing. It's available in two different flavours — coconut and sparkling strawberry wine. Try, taste and choose. It's not easy — you'll certainly have to taste them several times!
Have you got a date tonight? You only need one thing to make it unforgettable — and it fits in any pocket. Dinners, dances gifts... everything else will take a back seat. Put some pleasure gloss on your lips, and let the games begin. An expert tip: after applying it to your lips, gently rub them over your partner's intimate area. This way, you'll spread the gloss before using your tongue. Good night and sweet orgasms.
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