Shunga Dragon

Shunga Dragon Massage Cream
Shunga Dragon

If you like things ordinary, aren't into strong emotions, and intense sensations aren't your thing, forget about Shunga Dragon gels because, my friends, this is another level. Pure fire. Pure magic. Formulated from natural extracts, compatible with any latex condom, sugar-free, gluten-free, and absolutely suitable for vegans, Shunga Dragon and Shunga Dragon Sensitive offer you two different but equally brutal experiences. Listen up.

A few drops of Shunga Dragon on the glans and sides of the penis will be enough for you to start feeling the fire. With a powerful heating effect, it increases the potency and duration of erections, enhances sensitivity in the intimate area, and facilitates the orgasm(s). For an astonishing hot and cold effect, try Shunga Dragon Sensitive cream. Perfect for sensitive skin and for enjoying with your partner, feel its effects with a gentle massage on the penis for about 30 seconds.

If you're looking for a sexual enhancer, a fuller erection, or an extra dose of sensitivity in your clitoris... what are you waiting for to try Shunga Dragon?


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