Elegant, beautiful, and highly functional - designer vibrators are in vogue. Far from the sleaziness that dominated the erotic market years ago, brands now opt for vibrators that are both useful and aesthetic, finally proving that yes, you can have it all. Models with different shapes and colors that cover all types of stimulations, bullets, G-spot vibrators, remote-controlled vibrators, clitoral vibrators, vibrators that simulate oral sex... the variety is endless. You'll never have to hide your erotic toy with a mix of modesty and fear that someone might suddenly open your bedside drawer. Making our most intimate objects as beautiful as those we proudly display, that's the motto of Lelo, the ultimate luxury vibrator brand, and that's our motto too.

Here you'll find the best designer vibrators on the market, a carefully curated selection made with care for you, who seek pleasure, but not at any price, or, rather, not in any way. Pleasure with care, with style, pleasure in design. Now comes the difficult part (as difficult as going to Ikea and coming out with empty hands), choosing to stick with just one. Will you be able to do it? It's quite a challenge.


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