Fifty Shades of Grey Satin Blindfold

Fifty Shades of Grey Satin Blindfold

$75.35 $85.25
- 11% discount

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Fifty Shades of Grey


With this satin mask "going blind" will take on a very different meaning. Darkness is a great ally of desire. Get started in bondage with exclusive items from the official Fifty Shades of Grey collection and become the protagonist of your own story, as passionate and torrid as you want, what's stopping you?

What's stopping you?

Pleasure is not the same for everyone, explore yours to the ultimate consequences, discover what excites you, what makes you lose your mind. Some fantasize about having sex in public places, others go crazy with some feet (preferably beautiful, but there is everything), and many, more than you think, want to bind to be bound, to surrender completely and voluntarily, to feel the power of domination or submission to let themselves come completely. Find out in which group you find yourself.

With a luxurious and elegant design and a soft and sensual touch, this satin mask completely hides the light and fits perfectly molding to the contours of your face. Naked or premiere that set of lingerie waiting in the closet for months, let him hold you firmly with handcuffs that deprive you of any movement and ask him to whisper in your ear what you have to do. You'll see it clearer than ever.

Features of the Fifty Shades of Grey satin mask:

  • Sophisticated and with an exclusive design inspired by the saga of E.L James
  • Made of satin
  • Soft and delicate touch
  • Completely blocks the passage of light
  • Black color
  • Perfect for beginners in the world of bondage and BDSM

Ref.: 1700853


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