You're going to love us. We know that things degrade, weaken, and break with use. We also know that once you've tried it, it's impossible to stop using a Satisfyer, so it seems like it's time to change its head. In this section, you'll find all the heads, replacements, and covers for your Satisfyer erotic toys. Buy the right one for yours and continue to enjoy it as you have been.
And we don't just have the caps for Satisfyer 1, 2, Pro2, Pro Deluxe, and Pro Penguin, we also have the six covers or sleeves that you can use with your Satisfyer Men. Lustful tongues, Pleasure chambers, Pressure spirals, Happiness tornadoes, Wavy waves, and Three delights - six wonders with different textures and pressures so you never fall into monotony.
As mentioned, before you buy a new one, take a look at our section of replacements and Satisfyer heads, if you can't find it here, it doesn't exist.
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