“I know of nothing more magnificent than the buttocks that buck under the hand, stiffen, then reach out to beg the next blow. They give themselves and rebel in the same motion...” Spanking may require a large, firm hand, a rough riding crop, a soft leather whip, a paddle, a cane — articles that provide the most breathtaking pleasure. Don't leave it to chance.
“I know of nothing more magnificent than the buttocks that buck under the hand, stiffen, then reach out to beg the next blow. They give themselves and rebel in the same motion...” We apologize in advance, because we're going to use Jean-Pierre Enard's wonderful little book 'The Art of Spanking' way more than we should. Nevertheless, quite frankly, we couldn't find a better way to delve into the exciting world of spanking. Enard explains everything there is to know about the topic with both humour and eroticism. First of all, spanking (or flogging as it's otherwise known), may require a large, firm hand, a rough riding crop, a soft leather whip, a paddle, a stick, a rolled-up newspaper... practically anything that fits the spanker's — and most importantly, the spankee's wishes. Make no mistake — spanking is not an exercise in machismo or a punishment for naughty children. In fact, it's not a punishment at all., It's not a way to vent anger or to cause pain — but quite the opposite. In the word of the great Enard “spanking is neither force, nor obligation, nor violence. Whoever uses it to punish or to force does not understand anything about this art. Moreover, there is a strong possibility that the act will quickly degenerate into a series of blows and injuries that have nothing to do with spanking (...)”
The erotic power of spanking can be traced throughout history. The Kamasutra talks about four types of strikes that stimulate excitement and enhance orgasm. The Roman politician and writer Petronius had a curious way of curing the impotence of the narrator in his book 'Satyricon' — with no more and no less than a good spanking of the penis. Delving a little deeper into Roman tradition — during the Lupercalia festivals, priests would run around Palatine Hill whipping the passers-by. Whippings were believed to have the power to increase fertility in women and virility in men. Consider this line from Lawrence of Arabia in ‘The Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ where he tells us of his capture: “I remembered the corporal kicking with his nailed boot to get me up. I remembered smiling idly at him, for a delicious warmth, probably sexual, was swelling through me” Whether delirium or reality — he seems to have enjoyed it.
And of course, then came Hollywood and its peculiar way of disguising erotic spankings as fun, corrective practices. Even Sheldon Cooper, in one of the most famous comedies of the decade, "punishes" the not so prudish Amy with a spanking to reprimand her bad behaviour.
It's not just about physical excitement, but also mental arousal, roles, giving and receiving, helplessness, intimacy, and breathtaking pleasure. Too much to just leave to chance.
Finally, we’ve arrived at one of the most pleasurable activities in the BDSM universe. So you can enjoy it to the fullest, at EroticFeel, we've gathered together the best BDSM floggers, leather whips, crops, paddles, canes — items designed for giving and receiving pleasure. Feel the most unexpected sensations, and let yourself get carried away by your naughtiest and darkest desires. We dare you!
If you're reading this, you'll probably have already tried it with a hand — skin to skin — the direct contact of a hand that falls with just the right amount of force on the right place. Well, that's the first step. Now, we'd like to offer you something more refined. Whips, floggers, paddles, canes — each one of these articles provides a different experience; different sensations of domination, power, submission and surrender. Why not try them all out?
Well, it’s not just a punishment that has been around since the dawn of mankind. In the BDSM world, flogging is very similar to spanking — they both can provide you with a great deal of pleasure. The main difference between the two is that flogging always makes uses of an article — such as a whip or cane; whereas spanking, as we've already seen, can be carried out with the palm of a hand. According to a study conduced by a well-known brand of sex toys, 70% of women and 64% of men become more aroused when sex includes spanking or flogging. There are even experts, such as Carol Queen, author of 'Exhibitionism for the Shy', who argue that a good spanking on the buttocks could stimulate the nerve endings in the vagina. If the spanking is done with the right rhythm and intensity the body produces endorphins, pleasure, and orgasms. Well, we can't ask for any more than that.
We've decided to end this short summary with another fantastically descriptive quote from our old friend Jean-Pierre Enard: “There are mischievous asses, scarcely curved at all, slightly angular, their form encased in pants so tight you can see the panty line. Wide, strong asses that jut out with authority; ones that you sense you may never be the master of (...); temperamental asses, rigid or relaxed depending on mood, now lively and gay, now threatening, tense; languid ones, lazily swaying, that shimmy at the hand's approach; (...) sleeping asses lying in wait for the awakening kiss”. Not much more can be added to that.