
Teabagging: what is this variant of male oral sex?

Teabagging: what is this variant of male oral sex?

EroticFeel 5/11/2022

If you are looking for a technique to take his breath away, teabagging is what you need. It focuses on the testicles and its name refers to the way a tea is brewed, with the teabag being inserted and removed from the cup in an up and down motion. Do you know where we're going? Then tell him to catch his breath because we are going to explain it to you step by step.

How to have an anal orgasm

How to have an anal orgasm

EroticFeel 5/10/2022

Is it possible to reach orgasm through anal stimulation? Of course, and what does this orgasm look like? Frankly powerful, it is usually more intense and long lasting for men and also for women if combined with clitoral stimulation. Take a look because we tell you how to achieve it.

How to get started with anal sex

How to get started with anal sex

EroticFeel 4/28/2022

If a few years ago it seemed unthinkable, you were afraid, ashamed, you thought it was not made for you or that your sex life was fine as it was and now you are thinking about opening your body to new and very pleasant experiences, we can only shout out loud a ¡viva! and give you all our support in the form of wise advice. This, comrade, is all you need to know to get started with anal sex.

How to use an anal vibrator

How to use an anal vibrator

EroticFeel 4/13/2022

The medical literature describes many cases in which foreign objects have been found in the rectum: carrots, apples, deodorant bottles, candles, and even an eel. In other words, we like to explore, although it seems that we don't always find the right tool to do so. Let's start with the obvious, no shotgun barrels if you don't want to end up in the emergency room. We tell you how to choose and use an anal vibrator.

Sploshing: what is it and how do you do it?

Sploshing: what is it and how do you do it?

EroticFeel 3/24/2022

Cleopatra smeared a smooth paste of honey and ground almonds on her genitals so her chosen ones would lick to their heart's content. Catherine of Russia had tea with vodka and an omelette with caviar for breakfast to ensure that when the evening approached, her desire to frolic remained intact. So you see, you raising the temperature by slurping jelly from her belly button and using marmalade as a massage oil is nothing too crazy. Let us tell you everything you need to know about sploshing.

Myths about male sexuality

Myths about male sexuality

Does size matter? Do men always want sex? Do only women fake orgasms? We pick apart deep-rooted beliefs that can make men feel self-conscious or overwhelmed. Most of these beliefs are just as well-founded as the saying "if you don't go to sleep now, the bogeyman will come and get you!"

 How to masturbate in the shower

How to masturbate in the shower

EroticFeel 2/17/2022

We don’t know if it has to do with the intimacy, the steam coming from the hot water, the feeling of relaxation, the nudity, or a mixture of everything — but the truth is that masturbating in the shower is very pleasurable. But if you've tried it, you'll know that it doesn't always turn out as well as the movies make out. Invest in a non-slip mat so you don’t have an unfortunate accident and read on! You’ll find out how to combine these two pleasures and the tools you’ll need to enjoy it to the fullest! Get ready, get wet — go!

How to use a vibrating ring

How to use a vibrating ring

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all — not in darkness, but in the most long-lasting and intense pleasure! Vibrating rings or vibrating cock rings are the perfect sex toys to enjoy as a couple or for your solo moments of pleasure. Nevertheless, you may still have many questions about them: how and when should I put it on? When should I take it off? How do they work exactly? We promise that by the time you finish reading this article, a vibrating ring will be the only piece of jewellery you'd be willing to say 'I do' for!

Kunyaza: the African technique for the best female orgasms

Kunyaza: the African technique for the best female orgasms

In the Western world, the clitoris was denigrated for its lack of reproductive function; Freud declared that any orgasm achieved through clitoral stimulation was an infantile orgasm that only immature women could experience. Christian education was concerned with creating armies of frigid men and women who knew as much about female pleasure as they did about quantum physics. Meanwhile, in Rwanda, people were educated in the transcendental significance of discovering a woman's 'sacred water'. "Women teach us," says one of the men interviewed on the film, "if you just perform a back-and-forth motion she won't feel pleasure."

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