
Why should everyone know what 25N is?

Why should everyone know what 25N is?

Sara Martínez 11/24/2019

The number of sexual assaults by groups has been increased in the last years. Silence is not consent. If she is drunk, it is not consent; the fact that she goes up to your place does not imply consent; if she first says yes, but later on she says no, it does no longer mean consent. Until a woman can go home alone in the middle of the night without fear, until then, we must keep fighting.

Women, laughs, masturbation and a lot of sex. Did it all start with Sex and the City?

Women, laughs, masturbation and a lot of sex. Did it all start with Sex and the City?

Sara Martínez 11/19/2019

Yes, it was scandalously frivolous, and yes, it can also be accused of being sexist or not credible (who can live a life of luxury in the most expensive city in the world?). But in ‘Sex and the City’ one of the (most) recurrent topics was sex. And, for the first time, those who talked about it were not men. That was their transgression.

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